SAÏA Brunch Club with Lauren Jamieson

SAÏA Brunch Club with Lauren Jamieson
This edition of the SAÏA Brunch Club. And we are back to the beautiful venue Home Grown Members Club, nestled in the heart of Marylebone.

Our instructor, the beautiful Lauren Jamieson who was nominated by our community to teach at this event. Lauren is a professional dancer who has been on the biggest stages such as X Factor, The Brit Awards, Adidas, Strictly Come Dancing, Dua Lipa, Robbie Williams, etc.
There is always something so unique and magical about each SAÏA Brunch Club - they all feel a little different one from the other. From having an exciting new instructor, to the flow in the class, to the conversations at brunch and the energy in the room. No matter what each event holds its own special identity… But there is one thing they all have in common and that is the warmth in the room and the element of sisterhood.

Thank you Lauren Jamieson for being a superstar at this edition’s of the SAÏA Brunch Club and to our beautiful guests who are the ones that bring that ‘magic’ into each event!

We can’t wait for the next one! It’s coming real soon